Friday 10 August 2012

Colours Of Malaysia : The Introduction

Malaysia is a special and unique country. Malaysia's multi-culturism due to its complex population structure where Malays, Chinese, Indians and either ethnic groups of people live together peacefully and happily, has led to many exciting cultural festival and events held all over Malaysia throughout the year. Not to mention those mouth watering multi-cuisine food that you can find here. Malaysian also have a unique historical sites and can attract those tourist who are interested in history. Same with that is a popular travel destination where travelers could simply find everything that like to see, do, and explore in a tropical country from highland cooling hideaways,deep tropical rain forest exploration, clear and calm sea snorkeling and scuba diving to crazy madly clubbing and shopping. Similar to that again is its tropical weather where sunshine, hot temperature with showers could be expected throughout the year. Malaysian people are warm, friendly with smiles on their faces.

Malaysian multi-culture ethnic
Malaysian mouth watering food

Malaysia also have a popular slogan ''Malaysia truly Asia'' that while you visit this country, you will find a truly Asia here.

Nasi lemak and Roti canai are the popular dish in Malaysia

Malaysian's slogan and landmark


  1. suam2 kuku jer blog nie..haha..but not bad laaa..

  2. Terima kasih kerana sudi menyuarakan pendapat anda , insyaallah kami akan memperbaiki blog ini dari masa ke semasa..enjoy reading :)
